How to order "Yu-zu-san" OMAMORI

It is easy to order OMAMORI on the order form page.

We apologize for an order inconvenience.
We can not accept an order both Fabric and Paper OMAMORI at the same time.
Please order separately either Fabric or Paper OMAMORI.

"How to order Omamori" movie (about 9min) is available to watch.

"How to order New OMAMORI" clips (Step1 ~ 6) are available to watch.

Choose selections of OMAMORI / Color / Frames.
(about 1min)
Upload your image / Edit / Changing Color / Changing Flame.
(about 3min)
Preview / Add other OMAMORI with different color / Add new OMAMORI.
(about 1min)
Customer Information / Quantity / Create new OMAMORI.
(about 2min)
Select your payment.
(about 1min)
Complete your order.
(about 1min)
Cool Japan

Extra care for shipping to you.

We enclose "OMAMORI" into gift bags, cushioning packages, shipping cases.
Via Registered Air small packet, for Japanese post office.

Image is for illustration purposes.

When you order 2 items and more to 1 shipping address,
You will have 500JPY discount on each products from the second one.

*This is shipping discount. Please consider that "OMAMORI" does not lose your wish when you have price reduction.